What Should You Do If Your Gums Bleed Regularly?

22 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you notice blood when you spit out after brushing or when you floss, there is no need to panic; it is actually a common dental problem. However, this should be a cause of concern if it happens regularly. There are several explanations for this problem, including poor oral hygiene practices and gingivitis. As soon as you notice blood coming out of your gums, there are certain things that you need to do to enhance your dental health. These include:

Maintain a Healthy Diet

What gets into your stomach plays a critical role in protecting the gums from dental issues. You should limit the intake of foods with high sugar content to lower your risk of gum problems. If you enjoy eating sugary foods, you should do so in moderation. Ensure you brush after eating them so that you can remove any sugar that is stuck on your teeth.

Check Your Prescription Medications

Did you know that certain prescription drugs increase the risk of gum bleeding? These include pain relieving medicines such as aspirin. Such medicines thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding. If you have bleeding gums, you should consult a local periodontist on alternative medicines that will not cause such side effects.

Take a Look at Your Dental Cleaning Tools

If you brush as often as required and visit your dental practitioner regularly, but your gums are still having issues, you should check on the tools you use to clean your teeth. For instance, you could be using a brush with very hard bristles, which could be irritating. You should select a brush with soft bristles if you do not want to experience this irritation.

Step Up the Oral Care Game

The main reason you could be experiencing this problem is a buildup of plaque on the gum line. When you fail to remove the plaque, it will harden. Any attempt to remove it when it has hardened will cause the gums to start bleeding. You need to scale up your oral care regime to prevent plaque accumulation. You should floss at least once a day and brush twice daily to prevent this.

The above measures will go a long way in protecting your gums from bleeding and enhancing your dental health. However, you should schedule an appointment with a periodontist regularly so that he can examine the gums for any serious conditions that warrant treatment.
