Stop Putting Up with Dental Pain

9 June 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Some dental patients are in pain but are reluctant to have a root canal procedure done. That may be because they have gotten the wrong idea about root canals. A root canal is far more likely to stop dental pain than to cause it, so read on to find out why.

Why Root Canals Are Needed

If your dentist advises you to undergo a root canal, it's likely the only reasonable solution to a dental issue. The pain from an infected tooth can be overwhelming. Some people are unable to eat or drink normally and must resort to taking pain medication to dull the pain a bit. However, an infected root and gum don't generally go away without treatment and that usually means a root canal will be needed. If any of the following are happening to you, you probably are dealing with an infection inside your tooth and gums:

  • A chipped, cracked, or broken tooth.
  • A cavity.
  • Swollen and painful gums.
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold food and drinks.
  • Unable to bite and chew properly.

And more.

Understanding the Root Canal Procedure

If you've ever had a tooth filled, then a root canal procedure is not that different. In the past, root canals could be painful and uncomfortable and that is how they came to be associated with a dreaded dental procedure. Now, they don't have to be painful because of advances in the way they are carried out and the use of anesthesia.

You and your dentist will discuss pain control before the procedure at a separate visit. On the day of the root canal, the area will be anesthetized and allowed to become numb. Then, the dentist will access the tooth to remove the infected tissues. This usually includes the removal of the root, nerve, and pulp of the tooth which are inflamed and now useless. Once all that infected stuff is removed, the dentist closes the tooth up. Now, you will never again suffer any pain from the tooth that prompted the root canal because it won't have a nerve. What is left is a partial tooth that needs further stabilization.

In most cases, you will be fitted for a crown to cover the saved tooth so that it remains a viable and healthy part of your mouth. Crowns are false teeth designed to fit over your tooth and they look and feel like your other teeth in shape and color.

To find out more about a root canal, speak to a dentist near you.
